
Friday, April 26, 2013

31 Weeks and a Nathan well-visit

Isaac is 57th percentile and not breech anymore!  Yay!  He's growing well and his heart looks good.  Amniotic fluids are all within range and we're thankful for that too.  Now begins the weekly visits.  Next week I'll see my regular OB and they'll do a sonogram there just to check on Isaac.  The following week we tour the NICU and meet the neonatologist and see Dr. Ryder again.  The week after that we go back to see Dr. Weiss, the MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist).  I'm exhausted just writing it all out!  Just nine more weeks, Isaac, we can do it! 

Dr. Weiss is an awesome doctor, but his picture taking isn't so fabulous.  But at least we got a photo this time! 

Yesterday I took Nathan to his 3 year well-visit.  We've been curious how tall he is because it seems lately that all of his size two toddler pants are 3 inches too short and all of his size 3 pants won't stay on his skinny waist.  This was also the first visit that they didn't put him on the lay-down baby weigher which made me a little sad but also proud of him.  He is now 39 inches tall (80th percentile) and 30 lbs 3 oz (32nd percentile).  He's growing like a weed!  I had to fill out 4 pages of "does your child do this yet??" questions.  These questions are made to freak out parents who are already trained to worry about development.  One of them was, "Ask your child to say three random numbers" so I tried it.  It went something like this:

me: "Nathan, say three, eight, nine."
Nathan: "Don't want to!"
me: "Ok, say five, six, four"
Nathan: "Don't want to say five, six, four!!"


The doctor checked him out and declared him very healthy.  Then we opted for the vision test since Brian and I both need glasses.  It was a strange event but Nathan did very well.  They sat him in a chair about 3 feet from a monitor and stuck two electrodes to his forehead and one to the back of his head.   Then the nurse covered one of his eyes with a "pirate patch" and started a little video that showed animals and random black and white lines.  Then she moved the patch and did the other side.  Whenever the animals made noises, Nathan would respond back with the same noise (there was a lot of woofing) and looked up at the nurse with a big grin.  The nurse then redirected him to look back at the screen.  The whole event took maybe 5 minutes and she declared that he "passed".  I'm not really sure how effective that was, but I'll take a "pass"! 

Such a big guy! 

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