
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Potty Training Progress

Warning: This post contains a lot of potty talk!  This weekend was the beginning of potty training boot camp, which also just happened to coincide with Brian's birthday.  (Let's get this potty started!!  yeah... Brian didn't think it was funny either...)  We followed the Potty Train in Three Days book by Lois Kleint (we had to download it to our Ipad because it is currently out of stock).  It is a pretty short book but gets right to the point.  I was rather skeptical because the first day you have your child throw away the leftover diapers and from then on, only undies!  It explicitly prohibits pull-ups.  I think this was scarier for mom and dad than it was for Nathan.  He had already used the potty several times, but not consistently.  This week is also spring break so no mother's day out.  It also coincided with daylight savings time. 

Day 1

Brian woke up Nathan and we threw away the diapers and started going to the potty every 30 minutes.  Only one accident!  He even made it through nap time and stayed dry.  No poo, but sometimes he misses a day on the weekend.  He gets a little toy or candy for each success.  Everyone was pleased with the progress and we put him to bed in just undies. 

Day 2

Nathan wakes up soaked, not surprisingly, and I get to do some laundry.  We decide to go every hour and see how he does.  Three accidents, but we did get poo!  Hooray!  He made it through nap time dry.  We decided to give bedtime a try again and stopped all liquids after 6:30. 

Day 3

Brian goes to work and Natalie stays home to continue the potty training.  Daylight savings means that waking him up at 7:30 (his usual wake-up time) feels like he's waking up at 6:30.  We're hoping this means we get him up before he wakes up and pees.  I nervously go to his door and walk to his crib... still asleep... pat his little bum... dry!  I scoop him up and whisk him to the potty.  Half asleep, he complains, but he pees and we celebrate with a new container of play-doh.  The day goes very well as we settle into a 45 minute potty break ritual.  He started to go number 2, told me, and we ran to the potty where he finished going.  I'll consider that a success too.  Around noon, I take him upstairs for another potty break.  I look over into Nathan's room and see Chessie sniffing around.  A few minutes later I look back and she is squatting in his room, peeing.  Chessie!!  Apparently she felt left out of all of the excitement and wanted to prove that she too could pee.  Rotten dog.  I whisk Nathan off the potty and as I'm soaking up Chessie's mess with copious paper towels, Nathan comes in and informs me that he has just wet his pants.  Finally we were all cleaned up and Chessie was outside and we had a much better day after that. 

Day 4 

Nathan woke up dry again!  Hooray!  Off to Grandma's house we go.  We arrive, potty in hand (and extra undies too) and go over all of the potty rules with Grandma.  I show Nathan where his potty is in Grandma's house and Grandma starts the timer.  I go off to work and try not to call as soon as I get there.  Grandma called later to report that her timer didn't work but Nathan came to her and said he needed to go!  Success!  I arrived after work and found him still asleep but dry.  No poo, but we're still impressed.  Go, Nathan, go! 

We are anxiously waiting to see Isaac again this Friday at the maternal fetal specialist appointment.  The "upside" to all of this is that we get to see him quite frequently on sonograms.  I feel him kicking a lot and know he is strong.  Love you, little buddy!

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